10 questions to guide you in regulating your emotions:

10 questions to guide you in regulating your emotions:

1. What am I feeling right now, and what might have caused this?

2. What specific event or thought triggered this emotion?

3. How intense does this feeling feel to me, on a scale from 1 to 10?

4. Does my response match the situation, or might it be influenced by something else?

5. What beliefs or thoughts are adding to the intensity of this emotion?

6. How can I gently shift my thinking to see this situation more clearly or with kindness?

7. What physical sensations am I noticing, and what might my body be telling me?

8. What can I do to nurture or comfort myself at this moment?

9. Is there something small I can do to address the cause of this emotion, if it’s within my control?

10. What have I learned from this that can help me better navigate similar feelings in the future?

Emotional regulation takes practice. Asking the right questions helps you understand and manage your feelings better. Be patient with yourself, and if it feels overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek professional support. You’re not alone in this journey. Connect with Vibrant Aura by Sejal for personalised guidance and consultations.

Also read about, Self-Care Routine for Every Mood

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